Sunday, July 14, 2019

Mobile App for Species Identification: Merlin's Bird ID by Cornell Ornithology Lab

I found several species identification apps available online.  With a variety of bird species inhabiting Fitton Green Natural Area to explore, I decided to download the free field guide Merlin App, powered by eBird, to use when I’m on the trails.  Being able to learn about and identify birds with photos using this app from one’s iPhone or Android smart phone is an incredible technology feature.  Developed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, beginner and intermediate biophilic bird watchers can practice bird identification, learn about habitat characteristics, and listen to sound recordings to confirm the accuracy of species identification.  It is easy to use! 

After downloading the app. I began traversing the vast digital world of bird data made available from millions of bird sightings across the United States with over 15,000 bird photos.  The Cornell Lab of Ornithology professionals share tips for identification that I found helpful.  I was impressed how the Merlin app identifies over 2,000 North American common bird species.

Starting the process, I clicked onto “Bird ID” then it asks “Where did you see the bird?” I entered in Philomath, OR.  It then asks, “When did you see the bird?”  I entered in July 14.  The next page asks “What size was the bird?” with four pictures of birds varying from small to large.  Since I thought I saw a chickadee I clicked the circle under the smallest bird icon (when you check the circle it indicates below ‘sparrow-sized or smaller.’  Then, on the next page, Merlin asks, “What were the main colors?” Participants are able to select from 1 to 3 main colors.  I entered black and white.  Next, the question is “Was the bird…?” Participants can select from “Eating at a feeder, swimming or wading, on the ground, in the trees or bushes, on a fence or wire, or soaring and flying.” I selected ‘In trees or bushes.’   Then, it says ‘Creating a list of birds…’  Almost instantly, I’m provided an extensive list of potential birds.  For each bird species there is a high definition close up picture. Below the photo is a detailed physical description of the bird, a sound recording and a ‘details’ feature.

 After I looked through the list, exploring the features, I clicked onto the ‘This is my bird’ as I thought that the bird I saw was a Black-capped Chickadee.  Merlin then posts ‘Congratulations! You identified Black-capped Chickadee.  It says “Your response has been recorded to improve Merlin’s accuracy. To save your eBird Life List, submit this with the eBird app.” It also offer the option for users to share the ID to an email address as well as a link to “Explore Species Details.” Merlin gives excellent detailed description of the Black-capped Chickadee “Tiny, plump-bodied, big-headed bird is a familiar woodland resident and backyard visitor in the northern U.S. and Canada. Gray overall with buffy flanks and a contrasting head pattern: black cap, white cheek, and a black throat.  Short, stubby bill is used for hammering open seeds.  Often the core of mixed flocks of songbirds.”  

Additionally, Merlin Bird ID offers a map of the U.S. for each bird species.  The map highlights the regions it inhabits and indicates year-round, migration, breeding and non-breeding. I went further to explore other resident birds of the Willamette Valley Pacific Northwest region, including one of my personal favorites, the Acorn Woodpecker which I often frequently hear at home pecking like a drummer on trees trunks in the morning.

My favorite feature of the Merlin App is the sound recordings.  Most times when I’m at a park, I hear bird songs but can’t see the birds because they are perched in trees, obscured by branches and leaves or they are in flight.  A fulfilling experience as part of a nature wellness walk is fully immersing one’s senses in the songs of birds.  I find actively engaging my auditory sense in listening to the music of birds is a form of meditation, attuning to the rhythms and melodies of their unique calls.  I have to say, the Merlin app is an excellent learning tool for anyone wanting to enhance their sense of place in the living bird communities of urban and rural parks, open spaces, protected areas and our own backyard.  I will be using it on my future walks!


Cornell Lab Merlin
Retrieved from

Monday, July 1, 2019

Available Resources
In the past month of research on the topic of biodiversity and current threats at Fitton Green Natural Area, I found a broad range of available local, regional and national educational resources from city, county, government agencies and ex situ and in situ conservation organizations.  Local citizens interested in a connection to this community park and sense of place and gratitude have many opportunities to learn about the ecology, wildlife, habitat characteristics, species classification and vegetation communities.  With these resources, decision-makers and policy-makers can guide conservation decisions to preserve biodiversity and encourage a stewardship mindset for future generations.

Prairie Species Habitat Conservation Plan-Species list. (n.d.) Benton County Natural Areas and Parks  Retrieved from

Plants Database (n.d.) United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Science

Bradshaw’s Lomatium (n.d.)  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Retrieved from

Nelson’s Checkermallow, Fender’s Blue Butterfly (n.d.) The Oregon Conservation Strategy, Oregon Fish and Wildlife 

Peacock Larkspur (n.d.) Oregon Department of Agriculture
Retrieved from

Taylor’s Checkerspot (n.d.) Oregon Zoo
Retrieved from

 Benton County Prairie Conservation Strategy prepared by Institute for Applied Ecology (2010) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  
Retrieved from

Fender’s blue (Icaricia icariodes fender) (n.d.) Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
Retrieved from

Perspectives: Fender’s Blue Butterfly (n.d.) Oregon State University

Retrieved from

Oregon May be Over-Hunting Cougars-Which Could Cause More Conflicts, Ross, Erin (2018) Oregon Public Broadcasting

Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Index of Species Information: Canis latrans (n.d.) United States Department of Agriculture

Oregon State University Small Farms Program (2018) Oregon State University

Oregon elk management options studied by ODFW biologists, wildlife managers (2019) Statesman Journal

Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Acorn Woodpecker (n.d.) Oregon Conservation Strategy
Historical Vegetation of the Willamette Valley, Oregon circa 1850 (n.d.) BioOne Complete
Retrieved from
Fender’s Blue butterfly (n.d.) U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, Oregon Fish and Wildlife Office
Retrieved from

The Problem with Invasive Plants (n.d.) The City of Portland Oregon Environmental Services ‘working for clean rivers’

Oregon’s Forests Filled With Fungus That Offers Promise For Fuels, Eating Contamination (2012)  The Oregonian

Topic 2.1 Species and Populations (n.d.) Amazing World of Science with Mr. Green

Ecological Fire Crews Conduct Burn (n.d.) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Portland District

Controlled Burn Set Today (2015) Benton County Natural Areas and Parks Department

What is the difference between threatened and endangered (n.d.) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Western Oregon Zone 6: Willamette and Columbia River Valleys (n.d.) Sunset

Web Soil Survey (n.d.) United States Department of Agriculture

Retrieved from

Managing Himalayan Blackberry in Western Oregon Riparian Areas (2006). Oregon State University Extension

Retrieved from

Himalayan Blackberry (n.d.) United States Department of Agriculture

Retrieved from

Cirsium arvense-Canada thistle (n.d.) Oregon State University
Retrieved from

Canada Thistle Cirsium arvense (n.d.) MPG North
Retrieved from

B Rated Weeds (n.d.) Oregon Department of Agriculture
Retrieved from
Resource Stewardship Plan for Benton County Natural Areas and Parks Department (2011). Benton County Natural Areas and Parks
Retrieved from

Oregon Department of Agriculture Noxious Weed Pest Risk Assessment (2015). Oregon Department of Agriculture

Retrieved from
English Hawthorne (Crataegus monogyna) (n.d.) Weed Wise: A conservation program of the Clackamas SWCD
Retrieved from

Willamette Daisy (Erigeron decumbens) (n.d.) Oregon Department of Agriculture
Bradshaw’s desert parsley (Lomatium bradshawii) (n.d.) Oregon Department of Agriculture

Kincaide’s Lupine (Lupinus oreganus) (n.d.) Oregon Department of Agriculture

Peacock’s larkspur (n.d.) Oregon Department of Agriculture
Retrieved from